Looking for a dentist in Ann Arbor, MI?
Comfort and convenience are the hallmarks of our office operations. To ensure your convenience, below is the information you need about our hours, location, appointment scheduling, insurance acceptance and billing.
We know you have many choices when choosing a Dentist in Ann Arbor, MI so we have made requesting an appointment a simple process via our Web site. If, for any reason you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, or will be delayed, please call us as soon as possible.
Insurance & Billing
All insurance is accepted. Our office is a participating provider with Delta Dental Plan and Blue Cross / Blue Shield. We do not participate with dental PPO’s, but will submit claims to them.
As a courtesy to our patients, our office will submit all insurance claims. However, if payment is not received after 30 days the patient will be responsible for the balance due. Payment plans are available to patients of record.
Our Office
As a licensed Dentist in Ann Arbor, MI we work with our patients so they can achieve and maintain a beautiful smile and healthier gums and teeth. We take the time with our patients to explain their treatment options and inform them of additional preventative care. We feel this will lead to a more trusting doctor/patient relationship and, for many people, relieve the stress about seeing a dentist.
Call Gasior Family Dentistry Today!
We take pride in providing you with a comfortable office experience where our qualified staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Our main office is conveniently located in Ann Arbor, MI and we invite you to call with any questions or email us via the contact us or request an appointment page of our Web site. We will do everything possible to ensure you a pleasant visit.